How do I export a report of the mileage types?

  1. Click Mileage Types, then click the button below the list of mileage types

  2. Next on the Export Options screen you have these options:

    • Classic Email: this option disables the share sheet and goes directly to email.
    • Title: the title will be included in the report and will also be the subject of the email message
    • Text Size: this option allows you to make the text larger or smaller in the exported report, this does not affect the text size in the CSV file.
    • Filename: the name of the output file
    • Enabled Reports: the count of enabled formatted reports, click the button to enable to disable additional reports
    • Include CSV: includes tabular summary in a CSV file
    • Include PDF: includes PDF files (if enabled)
    • Portrait Orientation: determines if the PDF is generated in portrait or landscape orientation
    • PDF Password: add an extra layer of security by password protecting the all PDF files.

      Passwords can only be added to the PDF files; all other file will not required a password to open. If you need to secure your output then you should turn off the include csv option because the csv will not require a password to open.
  3. To save the report(s) to your computer, click the button, then select the location

  4. To AirDrop or Email your report(s) click the button then choose the option.

    With AirDrop, you can wirelessly send your reports to a nearby iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.

