What is the vehicle safety checklist and how do I set it up?

The checklist is your list of safety checks that should be performed on a daily basis. When the checklist is enabled, you will be prompted once per day for each vehicle to confirm you performed the safety checks

and the Confirmed Checklist column with a yes or no value will the added to the exported report of your trips.

To setup the checklist:
  1. Access the settings page. (tap here to learn how)

  2. Scroll down to the Vehicle Checklist section and type in your checklist. Add the vehicle name and/or date placeholder shown below to have the vehicle name and/or date merged into your checklist. If you want start with a sample message that you can then edit then tap the "Load sample message" button.

    Vehicle name placeholder: [vehiclename]

    Date placeholder: [date]

  3. To actually turn on the checklist feature, change the Daily checkbox to the "ON" state.