What is the vehicle safety checklist and how do I set it up?

The checklist is your list of safety checks that should be performed on a daily basis. When the checklist is enabled, you will be prompted once per day for each vehicle to confirm you performed the safety checks

and the Confirmed Checklist column with a yes or no value will the added to the exported report of your trips.

To setup the checklist:

  1. Access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

  2. Click the General tab then in the Vehicle Safety Checklist section

    Type in your checklist. Add the vehicle name and/or date placeholder shown below to have the vehicle name and/or date merged into your checklist.

    Vehicle name placeholder: [vehiclename]

    Date placeholder: [date]

    To actually turn on the checklist feature, check the Message checkbox

  3. If you need to distribute the checklist, send it by email by tapping the Forward row and providing their email addresses. On the recipients end all they need to do is open the attachment and follow the instructions to update their checklist.