61. Can I hide the back ground image?

Yes, to hide the background image:
  1. Access the Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the "Background Image" section.

  3. Tap the "Hide" checkbox.


62. How do I set up the cost per mile or km calculation?

Access the Settings page and scroll down to the "Calculate Cost Per" section:

Below is an explanation of each configurable setting that affects the calculation of cost per mile or km:

  • Trip Level Visible: allows you to choose if the calculation is displayed at the trip level.
  • Group Level Visible: allows you to choose if the calculation is displayed at the group level.
  • Prefix: this appears to the left of the calculated cost.
  • Per Mile: the cost per mile or km.
  • Postfix: this appears to the right of the calculated cost.
  • preview (23.5 miles\km): is a preview of a calculation using the above settings for 23.5 miles or km.

63. How do I update the Start Page?

  1. Access the Settings page. (tap here to learn how)

  2. Scroll down to the "Start Page" section.

  3. Tap the drop down list.

  4. Tap the row with the Start Page you would prefer.

    Updated start page:

64. How do I access the About page?

If needed tap the button, then tap "About".

65. How do I report issue or bug?

  1. Access the About page (tap here to learn how)

  2. Scroll down to the "For technical support" section.

  3. Tap the "Send E-Mail" button.

  4. Please provide as much detail as possible in order so our support team can best assist you.