76. Can I save a list of e-mail addresses to send the trips report to?


  1. Access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

  2. Click the Reports tab. Enter the list of email addresses. Use the semicolon ; in between email addresses in the E-Mail List section.

77. Can I turn off the confirmation I get when I tap the cancel button?

  1. You can check the "Do not show this message again" checkbox in the alert

  2. Or access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

    Click the General tab then uncheck the Cancel Button checkbox in the Confirm section.

78. Can I turn off the confirmation I get when I save, update or delete anything?

  1. You can check the "Do not show this message again" checkbox in the alert

  2. Or access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

    Click the General tab then uncheck the Action Complete checkbox in the Confirm section.

79. How do I set up the cost per mile or km calculation?

Access the preferences pane.

Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

Click the General tab and scroll down to the "Calculate Cost Per" section:

Below is an explanation of each configurable setting that affects the calculation of cost per mile or km:

  • Trip Level Visible: allows you to choose if the calculation is displayed at the trip level.
  • Group Level Visible: allows you to choose if the calculation is displayed at the group level.
  • Cost Prefix: this appears to the left of the calculated cost.
  • Cost: the cost per mile or km.
  • Cost postfix: this appears to the right of the calculated cost.
  • Preview (23.5 Miles\Km): is a preview of a calculation using the above settings for 23.5 miles or km.

80. How do I report issue or bug?

  1. Access the help menu, then click the E-mail Support menu item. Please provide as much detail as possible in order for our support team to better assist you.