71. How do I update the Odometer unit?

  1. Access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

  2. Click the General tab, then choose your preferred unit in the Odometer Unit popup list

72. How do I update the date format?

  1. Access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

  2. Click the General tab then select from the list of formats in Date popup list in the Date/Time Format section.

73. How do I change how trips are grouped?

  1. Click Trips, then click the button below the list of trips, then select the field you want to group the trips by.

74. How do I change how trips are sorted?

  1. Click Trips, then click any of the column headers to sort your trips, click the same column to sort in the opposite direction.

75. How do I update the date format used when trips are grouped by year and month?

  1. Access the preferences pane.

    Keyboard shortcut: Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the ","

  2. Click the General tab then select from the list of formats in Group By popup list in the Date/Time Format section.